How to solve the frozen problem for Oracle SQL Developer on the Mac

Once I moved the Oracle SQL Developer to the Mac, it always stuck when I randomly click a spot in the software. 

The issue can not recover automatically, so I must force quit the software or kill the process in the Activity Monitor. 

However, the problem will repeated when SQL Developer is turned on again.

After did some research and trying, I realized the issue is the Welcome Page.

So how to solve it? It is very simple - close the Welcome Page in the Window menu not directly close it.

To prevent the same issue occur again, I made the Show on startup Box unchecked when the system is not frozen(it is rarely).

If I need to visit the Welcome Page again, I can open the Welcome Page manually by clicking on the Help menu, then selecting the Start Page.

Hope this record can be helpful for you. Please leave the message on the below if you have any question.



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